

What is JSPM?

JSPM is an open source project for working with dependency management via import maps in browsers.

The jspm.io CDN is the default CDN provider used in the JSPM project for loading optimized dependencies directly from npm without a separate build step.

Other CDN providers can easily be configured, with support for all major providers included by default in the project.

What are the Benefits of Import Maps?

Import maps enable dynamic linking in the browser, previously only an internal feature of bundlers in JavaScript.

Import map CDNs also provide a huge caching benefit because we can both treat all URLs as immutable with far-future expires, while still giving each package a unique URL that can be shared even as its dependencies are updated.

This maximises the cache usage of packages - shipping an update of your application doesn't require your users to re-download the entire application build. Their browser caches will maintain the exact dependency versions from the last update, making incremental updates highly performant.

In addition, because the jspm.io CDN has worldwide edge caching, when a user first requests a dependency there's a good chance it is likely already cached at their local regional edge due to other websites also using the jspm.io CDN, reducing latency and load time.

Where are Import Maps Supported?

Import maps are supported in the latest versions of Firefox, Safari and Chrome. They are also supported in Deno.

To support import maps in older browsers there is the ES Module Shims import maps polyfill, a small performant polyfill for import maps that can very quickly check the module scripts on the page and replace bare specifier strings (like import 'pkg') with their resolved URLs, suitable for production workflows.

When using JSPM Generator, this polyfill is included by default. For background on ES Module Shims, see the blog post How ES Module Shims became a Production Import Maps Polyfill.

What is Import Map Package Management?

Treating packages that have their own versioning as the unit of optimization means that the import map itself becomes the version lock in the browser, providing the guarantee that the application will continue to behave the same today as tomorrow since the contract with the module CDN is clear.

The JSPM CLI provides the package management functions you would expect for managing these import maps.

Is JSPM Standards-Compatible?

JSPM is built entirely around the standards for modules in browsers, the import maps standard and the Node.js module resolution specification.

JSPM then extends the Node.js module resolution algorithm in a backwards-compatible way to CDN module resolution.

Does JSPM Replace Bundling?

Overall, no. Large applications always require optimization, and bundling (ie merging modules together) is an important tool in the optimization toolbox. All packages on the jspm.io CDN are individually bundled themselves, thus the question with regards to bundling is more about at what granularity are modules being grouped together, and how does that granularity align with workflows.

But for simple applications, it can be possible to skip bundling entirely, with very little performance difference and cutting out a lot of complex tooling where not needed. Having a singular monolithic bundling process without intermediate or shared modules is hopefully something we can move away from in general in the ecosystem.

Aren't JavaScript Modules Slow?

Browsers can load hundreds of modules in fractions of a second. The JSPM online generator is a great example of a mid-sized application using these techniques.

Highly optimized bundles will always be fastest in direct benchmarks, but other factors also need to be taken into account including cross-page caching, regional edge caching, caching between application updates, and development experience. JSPM takes the position that the combination of development experience and shared network caching opens the door to new development and shipping paradigms.

Furthermore, what usually causes slow JavaScript applications is shipping unnecessary code. The techniques used in JSPM are highly compatible with dynamic import (even non-statically analyzable cases), since the runtime resolution environment and build-time resolution environment are equated, thus it is straightforward to ensure only necessary code is loaded, where that can be harder to configure in bundling workflows.

For best performance, ensure that production preloading injection is set up to avoid module dependency discovery latency waterfalls.

What is the Difference Between JSPM and jspm.io?

JSPM is the open source project suite of tools for working with import maps and import map package management.

jspm.io is the hosted module CDN serving all of npm with CommonJS to ES module conversion and individual package optimization and minification to be compatible with JSPM import maps.

Can jspm.io be used for Production Apps?

jspm.io is designed as a highly available production modules CDN, with 99.999% availability. Status can be tracked at https://status.jspm.io/.

See the production workflow in the Getting Started guide for how to use jspm.io in production.

Can I use Other Modules CDNs with JSPM?

Yes, JSPM is designed to support any CDN providers, see the provider switching workflows in the getting started guide.

PRs for new providers are always welcome to the JSPM Generator core project. Custom providers can also be defined via configuration.

How is jspm.io Funded?

jspm.io is funded through the JSPM Foundation, a member-run Canadian not-for-profit corporation, which has a long-term financial plan in place for continuing to support the project infrastructure costs.

Donations and sponsorships are used to fund the server costs.

New sponsors and donations are always very much welcome to ensure long-term sustainability.

CacheFly is the CDN infrastructure sponsor for the project.