Custom Package Resolutions

This section is somewhat advanced, but describes an important set of features. Feel free to skip over to the next section.

To avoid having react or react-dom installed at all in this app (and don't need server JS support at all) we can indicate we are using custom react resolutions in jspm.config.js via map config:

  map: {
    "react": "react-cdn",
    "react-dom": "react-dom-cdn"

We could have set the resolution to any custom path if we had our own version of React as well.

By altering the map configs to these non jspm resolutions in jspm.config.js, jspm then treats those dependencies as manually resolved and locked.

Running jspm clean will then remove any package install traces of react and react-dom:

jspm clean
     Clearing configuration for npm:react@15.1.0
     Clearing configuration for npm:fbjs@0.8.3

ok   Project cleaned successfully.

We then need to update the jspm.browser.js CDN paths to reference react and react-dom:

  paths: {
    "react-cdn": "",
    "react-dom-cdn": ""

In order to ensure that react and react-dom don't get built we can set a custom build config file,

  "meta": {
    "react-cdn": {
      "build": false
    "react-dom-cdn": {
      "build": false

This config uses the SystemJS meta configuration to set build metadata, but could also set any other SystemJS loader options, which we then apply on build with the --config flag:

  jspm bundle test.js app-bundle.js -m --config

giving the same end-result of CDN resolution as in the previous section, but based on our custom resolution and build rules.